Together we sharpen the people side of business.



ReSCI assist clients with:

  • Declining demand or revenues, client/customer dissatisfaction, and criticism about external stakeholders

  • Human resource problems such as rapid employee turnover, stress and health problems, low-morale after downsizing, or difficulties managing a multicultural workforce

  • Challenges posed by radical changes in markets and government regulation

  • Difficulties making major transitions such as from family to professionally managed firms, mergers and acquisitions, or reorganizing

  • Trouble starting or completing complex projects such as implementing new technologies or establishing product development teams



One-to-one Interviews: Engage in a skillful exchange of question and answer built on impeccable manners and active listening.

Focus Groups: Skillfully facilitate focus groups to explore different aspects of organizational behavior as well as perceptions, perspectives, and beliefs embedded in the culture.

Surveys: Design and deploy surveys to produce statistics, that is, quantitative or numerical descriptions about some aspects of the study population.

Human Resource Documents: Use a set of procedures to make valid inferences from documents (such as job descriptions, evaluations, marketing materials, HR policies and procedures), specifically measuring cognitive content, cognitive styles, and cognitive processes.



ReSCI highlights elements of organizational behavior, culture, and climate that are measurable. The success of our diagnosis depends greatly on the ways we handle the analytic task of framing and defining diagnostic problems, analyzing results, and providing feedback.

  • Tailor standardized models to fit the client organization and its circumstances

  • Develop grounded models that emerge during initial study of the organization and focus more directly on client concerns

  • Use one or more theoretical frames as orienting devices and then develop a model that specifies the forces affecting the problem or challenges presented by clients


Rather than spotlighting actors, ReSCI methods place ideas and analytic frameworks on center stage. In essence, concepts become ‘actors’ who create the analysis of actions in the scene. ReSCI reporting addresses the ‘So what’ question. A strong argument answers the ‘So what’ question because it explicitly claims why grounded theory makes a significant contribution.

Hover over or touch the words below to learn more about each step in our data gathering process.

Together We Sharpen the People Side of Business.